Lawn Services






Our weekly lawn mowing service includes mowing, edging, trimming, and blowing the area clean. Pricing is based on square footage of your lawn – not your entire lot.

If you don’t know the square footage of your lawn, request a quote we will measure it for you.

Cost Per Cut


up to 2000 SF


2000-3000 SF


3000-4000 SF

Request Quote

Over 4000 SF


Our Watersaver Fertilizer Program includes 4 applications throughout the season. You can also choose to buy applications individually throughout the season but the best value is purchasing the complete program.


– $180 for the complete Water Saver Program
(4 applications)
– $50 for one individual application
Price is for lawns up to 2000 sq ft. Add $5 for every 1000 sq ft over 2000 sq ft.

Watersaver fertilizer

The Watersaver fertilizer is an organic, slow-release fertilizer made out of dried chicken manure. It’s non-burning so you can apply it without watering and it also contains a wetting agent that allows it to penetrate tough clay soils. Watersaver contains mycorrhaize, micro-organisms that attach to the root system of plants and allow them to absorb more water and nutrients. All these features combine to create a potent fertilizer that will keep your lawn healthier and more resilient during drought periods.

Watersaver Fertilizer Applications


Step 1 – March-April – Spring Green Plus Iron

Get your lawn off to a fast healthy start.
Adds iron for a deep green color

Step 2 – May – Watersaver Lawn Food

Produces a thick healthy lawn with less water, helps your lawn get off to a healthy start for the summer

Step 3 – August – Watersaver Lawn Food

Produces a thick healthy lawn with less water, helps your lawn survive the hot days of summer

Step 4 – October – Winterizer

Get your lawn ready for winter by promoting deep root growth

Fertilizing services can be purchased anytime throughout the season.

Additional Charges

  • $10 Bi-weekly service 
  • $10 charge for lawns taller than 8 inches
  • $25 charge for lawns taller then 12 inches
  • $50 charge for lawns taller then 16 inches
  • $10 charge for bagging lawns UNDER 8 inches
  • $20 charge for bagging lawns taller than 8 inches
  • $30 charge for bagging lawns taller than 12 inches
  • $50 charge for bagging lawns taller than 16 inches
  • $20 charge for overgrown edges
  • $10 charge for stairs, trampolines, jungle gyms, and large hills

All prices are for lawns up to 2000 Sq. Ft.. Add $5 for every additional 1000 Sq. Ft.

Get In Touch


Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm

Let's Build Your Dream Yard Together